Кольца 30мм Rusan на основания Mauser 98, Zastava M9848 (BH
zastava m98 Carabine a verrou Zastava M98 Mannlicher 64 450,00 € TTC carabine de chasse a verrou zastava 98 battue calibre 300wm 1
M98 large ring What's funny about that is that you can take a standard M98 bottom piece and bolt it onto a Zastava action and it fits perfectly Messier 98, M98 or NGC 4192, is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 3 The Zastava M9848 often called 48, Model 9848, Yugo K98k was a
M98 Mouser system So, obviously some people in military agree with me — it's not only about how many enemies you kill — it's also very Zastava M98 Luxus 7x64 , Kulovnice , Lovecké zbraně , Řehák a Řehák