Issuing chmod commands using perl

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chmod 666 chmod examples using octal mode : ; Permissions, Value, octal value & bit set ; rwx Read write Execute $chmod 777 file, 4+2+1, 7 rwx ; rw Read & Write $chmod 666

Question: chmod 666 assigns what permissions to the target file?rw-rw-rw-wx-wx-wxrwxrwxrwx chmod 6 6 6 assigns what permissions to the สล็อต 666 pg Buy chmod 666

chmod 666
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chmod 666 chmod examples using octal mode : ; Permissions, Value, octal value & bit set ; rwx Read write Execute $chmod 777 file, 4+2+1, 7 rwx ; rw Read & Write $chmod 666

chmod 666 Question: chmod 666 assigns what permissions to the target file?rw-rw-rw-wx-wx-wxrwxrwxrwx chmod 6 6 6 assigns what permissions to the

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